Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New Year!

Just a quick update. Have been coughing incessantly now for a month. Went to the docs today, had a bit of a go about being given the runaround. Came away with some real drugs. Now, when I say this, I mean New Years Eve drugs, the ones that have a street theres a thought! So, after picking them up, considered the advice of the pharmacist about NOT taking alcohol with them, and went with Amanda to Soho Bar for a cold one. We had pheasant dinners, dancing and a romantic hotel in Bath planned for the New Year, but cancelled because of all of this and modified it to reserving a table at two seperate restaurants in Bournemouth. Cancelled these today because of the coughing fits, and now the New Year shall be seen in by eating too much chocolate and watching Breakfast at Tiffanys and Lord of the Rings! So, classic films, alcohol, drugs and chocolate.........HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


  1. Sounds like a good plan to me! Have a great New Year!

  2. Gary,
    With my best “You need to be taking care of yourself” expression on, I have to say that I agree with Tim on the classic films, alcohol, drugs and chocolate being a good plan. However I have never considered Audrey and Gandolf in the same evening but what the heck it’s New Years Eve!!!

    Wishing you and yours all things wonderful in “2011” – G

  3. Wishing you good health in the New Year!

  4. Take your medicine and forgo the libations. drink lots of extra water, clean all your air filters at home, and get back to the doc this week. Take good care of yourself for your family . You are a VIP to all of them.

  5. Happy New Year to you and your family Gary! Do take care of your cough. Perhaps a little time on a warm Tenerife beach would make you feel better.
    Our peach tree started to blossom today. Have a good and healthy year ahead.


  6. Happy New Year to you too Gary and hope the drugs and chocolate put paid to the infection. On the natural medicine front Sambucus fits the bill - Elderberry wine might just do it.

