Tuesday, 18 October 2011


I've found it really hard to concentrate on much at all over the last week. At first I was going to post about both our neighbours pesky pets, and then about some macro photos of some of our plants or how work is going, but the trouble is my mind is all over the place and so a post has just not happened. Sure, work is very pre-occupying, what with autumn leaves now starting to fall in earnest, adding to the already hectic schedule, along with numerous planting schemes that must now get under way, but the main problem is stuff going on around me in the world that fills my thoughts almost continuously. Some things are good, some bad, but all of importance in some way. So, my fellow bloggers, I thought that in true psychology fashion, I would try and offload the 'baggage' in the form of a post and list the things that have either come into my head briefly, or in a lot of cases been there all along. They are not in any particular order of importance, and so how each of you feel about the subjects is up to you.

1. How on earth is there ever going to be peace in the middle east? My thought is never.
2. How can anyone run over a two year child on purpose, and not stop, and then others just walk by?
3. Why can't I settle back into my life of faith? My faith is strong, but practising it isn't.
4. When are bankers, politicians and benefit frauds really going to be brought to account properly? It makes me angry to see grown men, in some cases my neighbours, illegally claiming benefits, never having worked or planning to, enjoying life to the full and not worried at all about what happens to them in old age as we shall be paying for them.
5. How can humans treat animals so, so badly?
6. How are both of us going to live in old age without any form of pension?
7. How do we get rid of a cat flea infestation throughout the house? Nothing has worked so far.
8. Will I ever get the chance/be physically able to take on another physical challenge for charity again?
9. Are we going to be safe on our visit to Istanbul next year?
10. When will society, particularly here in the UK, realise that to bring youth back under some sort of control, there has to be collaboration between parents, schools, the law and others. All MUST work under the same umbrella, young children MUST have bounderies, and there MUST be consequences when they are broken.
11. I am about to be 51, where has my life gone and why must time go by faster and faster?
12. I would like to be able to salsa dance.
13. When will anarchists wake up/grow up? Just as in George Orwells 'Animal Farm', no matter who takes control of society, and what they believe, there will always be a heirarchy form, and that will always lead back to the same problems.
14. I'm counting the days to winter, when work slows down, so that I can walk, read and photograph more.
15. Will my DVT come back?
16. Why can I not seem to find ONE penfriend? I would love to be able to write long and proper letters, on paper with a pen, about everything and nothing to someone, and recieve them back. Email is so clinical, but I guess that would also do. Why don't we write any more? It is such a good feeling to get a letter from someone, and not just another bill or advertisement.

So there you have it. There are I suppose many others. Throw in personal concerns regarding family members across the board and the results are that this stuff is getting in the way of concentrating on work plans, issues and schedules. Work is getting in the way of mentally and practically 'dealing' with some of the issues above and not listed, and the result is that at the moment nothing is really getting dealt with properly.....and of course THAT is another thing for the list.

Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you are all in a better place at the moment.


  1. Do you feel better?

    So much that we carry around in our heads and hearts. There are similar concerns and thoughts in mine.

    I wish some moments of peace and resolution in some fashion soon.

    Take care!

  2. Dear Gary, this is how life hits us from time to time if we are properly caring people. You voice concerns and despair about things that so many of us can relate to and hint at others that strike a chord with my own situation. I find the blogging community a very warm-hearted one and suspect that many write in cheerful fashion who also wrestle with worries about family relationships, ill health and so forth. But there is always much to delight in. Now I'm asking you for the balancing list of sixteen good things - you'll be able to rattle that off in a flash.
    And I recommend salsa lessons, great music and great fun!

  3. Dear Gary, your post moved me in some peculiar way that I'm not able to put into words just yet. I only want to say that I can relate to most of your list items...
    (My first student has arrived, I have to conduct a little reharsal with my choir; I'll by writing you soon; take care!)
