Monday, 30 December 2013


We are off to Bath tomorrow for a few days. We've never been away over the Christmas/New Year period before, and just wanted to make the most of our time off together, before work kicks in again.
Tonight is a dvd night, and we first watched 'The Heart of the Matter'
Although a really good film, and introduced some very interesting discussion on adultery and suicide afterwards, as we enjoyed sherry on ice, it was a little intense for what we needed, and so once again out came 'The Holiday'
Yeah.....more like it!
Well, it's that time of year when we do our New Year posts. It's a difficult one for me really, as I find New Year not really that important, and sometimes rather scary and depressing. It's nothing more than just a date, and yet it holds such different expectations for people generally. Some think of it as a chance to make a fresh start at things, but most in my experience look to the coming year with fear. There's worry about continued financial difficulty, blissfully forgotten for a brief moment through the Christmas festivities, troubled relationships, difficult work set ups and old age etc, all to face yet again, for another year. I would count Christmas Day as the start to a new year ahead, instead of the drunk mayhem that midnight on January 31st is at the moment. There are more suicides on New Year than at any other time of the year, for obvious reasons. A bit gloomy for a post? Well, unfortunately that's the reality of the world we live in. So let's forget the date, and just continue to take the Christmas good feeling with us into 2014.
I don't do resolutions either, I do more like hopes and plans, as my resolve is weak and I usually break any definite plan with a sort of in built destructive gene. It's inevitable. So, what are my 'plans'? There are only five, but fundamentally important to a 'me' that need to be nurtured.
1. Lose weight and get fitter. I contracted Rheumatic Fever when I was younger, which left me with a heart valve that flutters like a butterfly in the wind. I'm getting older, and feeling the physical pressure that this brings with it, and getting more out of breath than I should be. The DVT on my 50th birthday also scared the hell out of me, and over the last few months things are hurting more often than I would like.
2. Attend church more. I left my church a few years back, as I found things getting more and more difficult regarding preaching both by the minister, and unfortunately some of the fellowship. God has never left me in the years since, and my faith and trust has never waned, but infortunately my attendance and prayer has, and that needs to change.
3. Maintain a more structured business. Work can get hard, very hard, and as I get older it's not getting any easier. As a result, my office has lost most of it's regimented order of years gone by, and our last discussion with the accountant highlighted some much needed improvements. I am a paperwork and spreadsheet freak by nature, liking everything completely in order, and so I'm frustrated at how messy things have got over the last year. This has had a knock on effect when quotes and letters need to be worked on as well. Arriving home too tired most days, yet more paperwork wasn't high on my 'to do' list. That will have to change also.
4. Develop more 'me' time. Combine most of the things above, and through either time, energy or will power, my own personal headspace has taken more of a backseat than I like. To me, it's so important for all of us to keep a little time to meditate on things within our lives, and also just sometimes switch off completely. If we let life have all of the time, how can we look at things rationally and objectively? This blog is, for me, just one area where I can let my imagination and creativity flow a little. It's also a bit of a release valve for emotions, and so I will enjoy continuing to post. Add to this a desire to start drawing more, a passion that also has taken a back seat, but I have already brought out everything and added them to my new easel and charcoals, and dabbled once more. Reading, fishing and kayaking will also take more of a centre stage.
5. Take my grandson wild camping. For most of my life I have wild camped. In fact both Claire and Rebecca have taken part on several occasions, and from 6 months old, which led to some very interesting times in the heart of the silent and pitch dark forest. Nappies and feeding took on a whole new meaning. And so, as I have been promising myself for the last couple of years, but haven't because of the 'stuff' aforementioned, This needs to go to the top of the bucket list for 2014.
Hopefully, if I can get a grip on all these things, it will build a better me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
In about ten days I hit 53, I can't believe it. Let's try and make it to 73 eh?
What are your thoughts and plans for 2014? I would sincerely like to know, as I enjoy all of your blogs immensely, and feel a strange companionship with those in my own blog 'community'. Can't wait for all of your future postas.
I leave you with my favourite painting, by my favourite artist. It always fills me with a sense of warmth and peace whenever I look at it, and the gardening theme is close to home too.
Have a wonderful New Year, however you see it in, and I will see you all when we get back.
The Artist's Garden at Eragny - Camille Pissarro


  1. You are a good man
    It's easy to tell
    Happy new year me old son

    1. Likewise John, hope it's a good one for you both.

  2. I don't try to start 'new' things much with the new year. Just tackle changes as you come upon the need I feel. But, I do have one thing I want to do each month starting in January and that is to write a letter or note to an aging aunt and uncle who we don't get to travel and see much anymore. They are not in the electronic world and it seems as more friends and family have gotten online in one form or another, I've not kept up with those who still need a letter or phone call very well. Need to remember them more.

    Happy New Year!

    1. It's a lovely and kind and right thing you are planning. Modern technology is supposed to make communication easier, and yet it more often than not pushes us all further apart. I hope you get to write those letters Sherlock. Have a good New Year.

  3. Good luck with your plans. I am sure you will realize most of them. I wish you a very good 2014!
    The Pizzaro picture is beautiful!

    1. Hello Alain, the painting is lovely isn't it?
      As far as the plans go, we will see. You can only keep on 'keeping in' can't you? Happy New Year to you.

  4. You've got some very sound hopes and plans. they should work because you set guidelines for each post. I never even think about resolutions. I'm a little loosey goosey.
    Have a very great 2014.

    1. Hello Red, I am good at making plans, but not so good at keeping them. I may be calling myself 'loosey goosey' (love that phrase!) by next Christmas. Have a good New Year.

  5. Gary, glad that your views on New Year are similar to mine. My blog is far more gloomy! I like your aims and will certainly pray that they come to fruition especially number 2 which I believe will help you develop the others as long as you do not let other Christians take over for you. Fellowship is important strangulation is wrong. The church can so often become like a python and squeeze the full life out of you! The creation order is God first, family (which includes self and work equally) second and then the church. If these three are in the right balance then you will live a fulfilled life which I pray will be active long beyond 73!
    Happy merry new to you all.

    1. Pete, for the moment the order will have to stay, as My old muscles and joints wouldn't let me walk to chuch. Seriously though, you are right. Hope all is well in Looe, and that Celia doesn't drink too much as usual.

  6. I wish you every success and happiness in the coming year.
    You have so many aspirations that if you achieve half of them it will be a job well done.

    1. Hello Adrian, half of them would be good. You lead an interesting way of life, I may just have to ask how and why you came to living in a camper van in the New Year. Have a good and particularly dry New Year.

  7. We're fairly new to each other aren't we but I've loved the posts I've read from 2013 and will look forward to more in the new year.
    Health and contentment to you and your family in 2014, enjoy your break.

    1. Hi there Briony,
      I have met some lovely new bloggers in 2013, and am really looking forward to following them, and yours. I hope yours is a good and peaceful New Year.

  8. Gary, I found your blog whilst looking for some inspiration for a planting theme. I enjoyed your post and certainly wish you well for 2014.
    On a personal level - we don't go in for much New Year Celebration in our house, which might surprise folks with us being Scottish. Sad things seem to happen in our house over Christmas and New Year!
    Enjoy your few days away, I'm off now to explore your site.

    1. Welcome aboard Angie,
      Believe it or not, there is stuff about gardening on here as well, but winter doesn't really give anything remotely exciting. I hope you enjoy, and anything I can help you with, please ask. Now I shall have a look at yours. (We are in Bath now, Amanda is in the bath, and I am grabbing a few minutes to catch up. Take care, Happy New Year.
