Thursday, 9 January 2014

First Week Back.....and so it begins.

This week is the week that everything begins. Work, paperwork, my plans for the New Year etc. I need a set date and time to start things that can be challenging, such as either leaving alone or giving away any left over Christmas sweets and treats, eating less at work when cold, wet and tired, and either running, cycling or kayaking after a long days gardening. How much of this will come to fruition is anybody's guess, but you have to at least have a plan don't you?
It's started off with.....yep.....torrential rain, and so I syphoned off the Elderbeerry wine into two new demi johns. I tasted it at this point, and things are looking good. It will need quite a while longer in these, as it's still slightly effervescent, but the colour, clarity and taste are there.

The weather appears to be easing a little, although we are still getting some very heavy rain, and with the water table so high already, things are damp to say the least 

On my way to some of the work in east Dorset, I have to travel along a road called the Avon Causeway. It's a fairly long road, raised a little higher than the Avon River floodplain that it crosses.

The water is very high, with the large river not even distinguishable. The road was itself was covered, and with it being so narrow, once committed with a trailer in tow, there is no going back, and so second gear was selected, and perseverence came to the fore. Luckily it was only eighteen inches deep or so.

The last puddle.....dry land at last!

I had a full trailer, and also had to make the very unwanted and unpleasant trip to Eco to empty it. I had assumed that given the amount of rain, the place would be under water, and it was, but they sent me to the one 'dry' corner they had, and apart from shin deep mud it was reletively dry at least. As you can guess, I haven't bothered to wash the van for several weeks.

Afterwards, I made the half hour drive to Mudeford, and the sun had broken through. It was really quite nice to get a period of winter sunshine, as I cleared away branches and debris. In the trailer is a lovely young silver birch that had blown over. It had been growing on a bank, and the roots were too damaged to simply triple stake it with guylines. Such a shame, as it was a beautiful specimen.

Other places have had a similar treatment during the week. I normally like to freshen any rain flattened borders in January, to see them until March, but everywhere is so waterlogged that it will need some dry weather for at least a fortnight until that can happen.

I was hoping that these Gazanias might hold out through the winter. The cold hasn't got them, but unfortunately I think the water might.

It's Thursday morning now, one more cup of tea before I head out to a place with some huge Beech and Oak trees. I expect some serious storm damage there, let's hope not too much. It's my birthday tomorrow, and I am taking the day off.

Take care all of you.


  1. Happy birthday for tomorrow Gary. The weather can only improve from here! or can it??
    I am jealous of driving through floods I think that 18 inches might be a tall order for a little old SAAB convertible.
    There is evidence of spring coming here, warm sunshine and catkins on trees. The nights are also drawing out rapidly but still getting darker in the mornings.
    Be encouraged new life is abounding possibly more that the old bones of our bodies can keep up with.
    If you can't work then blog your way out of it that is what I say.
    See you soon

    1. I must admit to hating the arrival of spring. Bring on the arrival of the american big freeze, that's what I say! It's great fun driving in water and snow isn't it, glad there is another mad man out there Pete. By the way, love your photo of the 'newsman' taking a picture of the Looe floods.

    2. I would love to see something of what the USA are experiencing, bring on the arctic votex and gove our mad media something to reprot on. Perhaps one of them will have their wellies freeze to the flood.
      Driving in ice is as Tina Turner said:"simply the best!"

  2. Yes happy birthday for tomorrow!
    I won't comment about the flooding( it's depressing me too much) but I will comment that I like your green sideboard

    1. Glad you like the sideboard John. By the way, it's really raining here!

  3. Many happy returns. There is an awful lot of water around but a couple of weeks without rain and we'll have a hosepipe ban.

    1. Thanks Adrian,
      I think you will be right about the hosepipe ban. This country just doesn't cope with weather....full stop! Wish I was where you are.

  4. I hope the rains and flooding let up soon. This will be our third day of gray skies and off and on rain. I wouldn't want to drive through 18" deep water. Glad you made it safely.

    Happy Birthday tomorrow. Have a wonderful celebration with Amanda.


    1. Hi Lorraine,
      Driving in water is great fun, as long as you have a high enough wheel base so that your exhaust isn't under water for too long. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, but feeling the effects of another year on the body I must admit.

  5. Happy Birthday Gary!
    Have a good relaxing birthday. I hope the rain eases off before long. At home schools were closed for the last three days because of severe snow storms!

    1. Alain, we are getting news over here about the freezing conditions in America. There's even talk that it may come here, but it's probably our Met Office panic mongering. I hope things aren't too tough for you.

  6. Living in an area that gets 12-14 in Of precipitation a year, it's hard to believe you can have so much water on your surface.
    happy birthday!

    1. Good morning Red,
      Our water table is now so high, that any new rain just sits on top.

  7. In Tucson we didn't get that awful 3 weeks of freezing, icy storms. But I live in a desert and we are hoping for our winter rains to start. If we don't get them it will be a long hot fire season summer.
    Happy Birthday and...
    Let there be Cake !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Hi AP,
      Glad to hear you aren't sharing in the freeze up, but hope you do get that rain you are waiting for. There will be cake indeed!

  8. I'm a day late reading this post - but just in time to wish you a Happy Birthday! It was mine on Monday - first day back at work. Weather has been awful down there hasn't it. My heart goes out to all those that have suffered.
    I work outdoors all night and am quite accustomed to what ever the weather throws at us - have a great birthday weekend :)

    1. Angie, thank you.
      What is it that you do to work outside at night?

  9. Replies
    1. Lol.........Thanks Sherlock. It was the best birthdsy ever!
