Saturday 26 December 2015


Amanda gave me this little treasure yesterday, and one poem in particular caught my attention. I just love it.

New Fruit

In the last knockings of the evening sun
Eve drinks Calvados.Elsewhere in her life
She has played muse and mistress, bitch and wife.
Now all that gunpoint gamesmanship is done.
She loves the garden at this time of day.
Raising her third glass up to God, she grins;
If this is her come-uppance for her sins
It's worth a little angst along the way.
A fourth. Again the cork's slow squeaky kiss.
If, as the liquor tempts her to believe,
The Lord has one more Adam up His sleeve
He's going to have to take her as she is -
Out in the garden in a dressing-gown
Breathing old apples as the sun goes down.

Ann Drysdale


  1. Great poem and God most definitely takes us and loves us as we are.

    Have a lovely last week in 2015, and a wonderful 2016 ~ FlowerLady

    1. I am personally thankful that he does Lorraine. I can imagine myself Him frowning a lot where I am concerned though.

  2. Was that me being described in that poem, lol. out in the garden in her dressing gown.
    I wish for you and your family a better year in 2016 with no health worries.
    Thanks for all the lovely posts in 2015.

    1. Thanks Briony,
      Haha....I saw a lot of myself in it too. Crack a bottle together sometime eh?

  3. Well, that's an appropriate poem for you to chose.
