Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Shinrin Yoku

 We enter another year of restrictions to how we spend our lives. Last year was certainly a year of change and compromise. A couple of weeks ago I became 60, just a number, but with it came an awareness of plans and adventures that are on hold indefinitely, if not perhaps forever, who knows?

Forests have always been a place of peace, reflection, and connection for me. In my teens I would spend almost every weekend with a friend or two, in the forest, under a shelter of branches and greenery. Basic food, the means to make a hot drink, a small fire for warmth.

There's nothing to compare with being amongst trees and plants in a forest setting. The night heightens senses because of the lack of other noise. Wind, breeze, leaves rustling, forest animals. It's amazing.

Both of my daughters were taken into the forest to 'rough' camp at six months old. Yep, milk in bottles and night time crying were additions to cope with, but they both slept peacefully for pretty much the entire night, unlike at home in a house. The fire would have them transfixed.

There aren't many people I know closely, who to this day, haven't slept in the forest with me. Trees and plants are extraordinary, NEVER to be taken for granted. I could go on about micro systems etc, but just get out there in these times, and beyond. Yes, hold a tree and talk to it, thank it for being there. Choose a spot, it doesn't have to be dry or clean. Lay down, still yourself, stay longer than life and all it's shite make you comfortable with. Listen to the forest.

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