Saturday 6 July 2024

How Many Plants Is Enough?


Yep. Amanda can be a little addicted to getting new plants, but fair enough, me too!
We have spent various parts of the last few days going to different nurseries, usually accompanied by a full breakfast and plenty of tea, in search of inspiration to add to our garden.
The framework is in place as ever, but cutting back, re-stocking, and highlighting is the order of the day now that things have settled down for the time being.

We picked stuff up at four nurseries, and each time filled the back of our trusty camper van. Plants, watering features for the birds, a babbling stone pool for the patio, and the extras need to create an illuminated stained glass window to place at the end of the garden in our 'cool and peaceful place'.

So many plants purchased, all very exciting. Do you have a favourite plant?


  1. I dont have a favourite anything because how is a person supposed to pick just one?
    I used to have a lot of different grevilleas, the flowers are showy and bird attracting but the plants are susceptible to root rot and will curl up their toes if there is enough wet weather.
    All that is left of my plant collecting days is a tibouchina and a West Australian flowering gum. Both glorious

    1. I love Grevillias, but they do need the right conditions. We had a Tibouchina a long time ago. They are beautiful, but alas the weather here did for it.
