Friday 28 May 2010

Not that song again!

Firstly, can I apologise for the state of me in the previous post. Twas extremely early in the morning, I hadnt had a shave, and was particularly cheesed off and not looking my best!
The week has turned out ok, despite the rain. At the moment, A is getting ready so that we can go to The Haven for an end of week 'cold one' while we watch the boats going in and out of the harbour, so all in all pretty chilled at the mo!
The Merit Turf lawn treatment is being applied on our way home as the weather forecast is for rain tomorrow, and all this will entail is carrying the applicator back and forth for around a half hour last thing this evening.

I suppose some of you will be thinking what does that have to do with the title of this post? Well, while sitting here, I was reminded of the hundreds, if not thousands of times throughout my gardening career when I have been carrying out a steady but time consuming task such as mowing, hedgetrimming or hoeing etc and have had a particular song on my mind. Now I'm not talking about the whole song of a much loved great, but as always seems to be the case, the first two lines of the chorus of songs that repeat over and over and over again in ones mind.
Has anybody else suffered this? Examples are ABBAs 'Dancing Queen'....dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen, dee dee dee dee....or Queen's 'I want to break free'....I want to break free..eeee, I want to break free. And so on. Don't get me wrong, I used to love these and the other hundred songs that the chorus 'cuts' belonged to, but there just seems to be something with this gardening lark that kills them when they have played over in your mind for six hours.
Am I the only person to have suffered this? I would appreciate your thoughts!


  1. "Shake your groove thing, shake your groove thing, yeah, yeah" Ok now I am going to be stuck humming that for the rest of the day. Yep I know what you mean. - G

  2. No, no dumb lyrics floating around my brain while I garden lately. I mainly have no music on anymore, craving more birds chirping and listening to the sounds outside...peaceful.. except when my dog starts barking. I enjoy music though, Gina

  3. I can't say I have that problem to be honest but maybe thats got something to do with being blonde! I do have 'Merit Turf' going round in my head, I would love to know what it is.
