Tuesday 21 May 2024



May is the busiest month of the year for us. Lawn feed went down earlier, and so the grass is growing like the clappers. Hedges are putting on their first growth of the year. Pests are springing up on the plants, and customers suddenly spring to life requesting planting schemes, changes and advise.

The trailer gets full twice a week, and more often than not the vans are also crammed with grab bags full of steaming grass and hedge cuttings.

We have five petrol trimmers. Three long and two short. Already one needs to go in for repair. They are used every day, for most of the day, and so regular break downs become the norm for a while.

Matt trimming the Buxus at one of the gardens.

Below is Bex showing the normal, contented zeal one finds doing this work

There are dozens of Laurel hedges to trim, giving off that sweet almond smell of the cyanide contained within.

Over the last few years Box Blight, and more commonly Box Moth Caterpillar have destroyed vast numbers of the plants across the country

We use a commercial chemical called Dipel, mixed with water and applied twice a year. It works well, but sadly has to be used repeatedly each year as a lot of people don't treat, or new and infected plants are imported and distributed

An alternative treatment is the use of pheromone traps, which are quite effective, but on a large scale rather unsightly.

These below had Box Moth a month ago, but saved again.

Last year we took on this property. Box hedging used around the entire property, hundreds of them, and all very dead. Past saving, they were removed and a safe replacement plant used for a similar effect.

In this case it was Euonymous japonicus 'Green Spire', a shrub that is becoming quite popular. Another, but less popular alternative is Ilex crenata. We got the grass together as well, and the place is starting to take shape.

However, our own home 'Hairy House' is well overdue a trim. The ivy has once again grown across the roof. The ladder beckons.

Enjoy your week.

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